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Ibew 2085 Collective Agreement 2021

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IBEW 2085 Collective Agreement 2021: What You Need to Know

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 2085 represents over 1,200 workers in Manitoba, Canada, who provide electrical, telecommunications, and hydro services to public and private clients. On April 26, 2021, IBEW 2085 announced that it had reached a new collective agreement with Manitoba Hydro, the main employer of its members, after months of negotiations and a strike vote. This article will summarize the key provisions of the IBEW 2085 collective agreement 2021 and explain their implications for the workers and the industry.

Duration and wages

The new collective agreement will be in effect from April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2025, providing stability and predictability for both parties. The wage increases for the four-year term are as follows:

– April 1, 2021: 1.5%

– April 1, 2022: 1.75%

– April 1, 2023: 1.75%

– April 1, 2024: 2%

These increases apply to all classifications of employees, including apprentices, who will also receive a premium of $1 per hour for every level of apprenticeship completed. The new wage rates will strengthen the competitiveness and retention of IBEW 2085 members, who already earn above-average wages compared to other trades in Manitoba.

Benefits and pensions

The new collective agreement also includes improvements in benefits and pensions for IBEW 2085 members. For example, the annual employer contribution to the defined benefit pension plan will increase by 0.25% each year, reaching 10.25% in 2024. The extended health and dental benefits will have higher maximums and cover more services, such as physiotherapy and orthotics. The prescription drug plan will have a new limit of $10,000 per person per year for eligible drugs, reducing the out-of-pocket costs for some members. The vision care benefit will also increase to $400 every two years.

Safety and training

The IBEW 2085 collective agreement 2021 includes several provisions related to safety and training, reflecting the importance of these areas in the electrical and telecommunications industry. For example, the employer will provide additional training for members who operate cranes or operate near electrical utilities. The employer will also establish a joint occupational health and safety committee to address workplace hazards and incidents. The union will have the right to appoint up to four members to this committee, ensuring their participation in the decision-making process.

Other provisions

The new collective agreement also contains other provisions that may affect IBEW 2085 members. For instance, the employer will provide “work-life balance days” to employees for personal reasons, such as medical appointments or family events, without the need to use vacation or other benefits. The employer will also consult the union about the use of contractors and temporary workers, to avoid undue competition or displacement of IBEW 2085 members. The parties will also explore ways to increase the diversity and representation of Indigenous, female, and other underrepresented groups in the workforce and the union.


The IBEW 2085 collective agreement 2021 is a significant achievement for the union and its members, who have secured fair and reasonable improvements in wages, benefits, pensions, safety, and training, among other areas. The collective agreement reflects the mutual respect and cooperation between the union and the employer, as well as their commitment to delivering high-quality services to Manitobans. The collective agreement also sets a positive example for other unions and employers in Canada and beyond, demonstrating that collective bargaining can lead to win-win solutions that benefit workers, employers, and the public.