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Cama Agreement

The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) was established in 2003 by the African Union (AU) as a framework aimed at boosting agricultural productivity in Africa. In 2014, the CAADP launched the Malabo Declaration, which set new targets for agriculture development in Africa for the period 2015-2025. One of the most critical elements of the Malabo Declaration is the commitment to the “CAMA agreement.”

CAMA stands for “Continental Agricultural Master Plan.” It is a strategic document that outlines how the AU aims to achieve its agricultural development goals, including those set forth in the Malabo Declaration. The CAMA agreement is essentially a roadmap for African countries to achieve sustainable agricultural development and improve food security for their populations.

The CAMA agreement itself is not legally binding, but it provides a framework for African countries to develop their agricultural policies and programs. The agreement calls for African countries to invest in agriculture, reduce post-harvest losses, improve agricultural productivity, and promote agro-processing to add value to agricultural products. It also seeks to promote inclusive growth in the agricultural sector by increasing opportunities for women and youth.

The CAMA agreement has a strong focus on agricultural research and development, as well. It calls for African countries to invest in research and development to improve agricultural productivity and promote the adoption of new technologies.

The CAMA agreement is a significant step forward in African agriculture development. However, its success depends on the commitment of African governments to implement its recommendations fully. African countries must prioritize agriculture in their national policies and allocate more resources to the sector.

In conclusion, the CAMA agreement is a strategic document that outlines how African countries can achieve their agricultural development goals. It calls for investment in research, policy development, and infrastructure to improve agricultural productivity and increase food security. To realize the full potential of the CAMA agreement, African governments must prioritize agriculture in their national policies and allocate the necessary resources to the sector.